The development of a website begins with the creation of the layout, which includes the choice of colors, buttons, images, textures, etc. Then this layout is “cut” and inserted into an HTML code, and after that the site has to become functional, for example, a virtual store has to be programmed so that people can buy from it, a blog has to be programmed to that people can comment on posts, etc.

But is this all a function of the Web Designer?
In the past, all functions were performed by a single professional called Web Master. He was solely responsible for the development of the site, taking care of all stages of the process from creation to programming. With the evolution of technology and the internet boom there was a need to increase the quality of the pages and consequently the work became more complicated. It was in this quest for visually pleasing and functional sites that Web Designers emerged. The demand for these professionals and higher quality work has increased so much that the category itself is now divided into two: creation and development. But these two categories do not work alone.
Currently the creation Web Designer and the development Web Designer work in partnership with other professionals such as the Information Architect and the Programmer. Splitting the project is the best way to ensure successful work.

Information Architect
The role of this professional is to develop the site with the user in mind, so that he can find information quickly, without getting lost on the site. It is he who decides the position of the objects on the page, the menu, etc. For this, professionals use the most diverse tools available in the market aimed at the development of websites where a prototype is made. The prototype is nothing more than a “raw” site, that is, without any layout. After that, a usability test is performed. The prototype is forwarded to the user to browse the page. If it got lost at some point, it took a while to find information, or there was a communication error, the architect can find the reason for the problem and solve it before the layout is assembled.

Creative Web Designer
This professional is responsible for the layout of the page. He is the one who gives life to work. It is based on his work that the user will or will not feel attracted to browse the site. When we talk about choosing colors, typographic elements, logo or logo, we are talking about the work of the Web Designer of creation. Surely your knowledge doesn't come down to that. The creative Web Designer has to know a little about development, HTML codes, among many other existing ones. But that is a subject for our next topic.

Web Designer Development (FRONT-END)
Better known as Front-end, the development Web Designer works behind the page. Its function is to cut the layout previously made by the creation Web Designer and insert codes, to transform the creation into a website. There are currently a lot of HTML standards to ensure website accessibility, so it's best to have a person specializing in this area.

Programmer (BACK-END)
The Programmer is the professional who “starts” the site. He's the one who makes the whole process work. While the Front-end is more concerned with browser standards (formatting, adjusting sizes, positioning, etc.) the Programmer makes the site functional. That is, it ensures that the objectives intended by the client are achieved. It's like the brain of the page.

CONCLUSION: The ideal process of developing a website starts with the Information Architect who plans and assembles a prototype specifying the main functionalities of the website, then passes the information to the creation Web Designer, who gives life to the information, create the concept, colors and layout. Then the Front-end comes into play and cuts and mounts the HTML on top of the layout designed by creation. Finally, the information reaches the Programmer who will program the interface and put the site to work.


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